InBody Scholar

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Risk factors for autonomic and somatic nerve dysfunction in different stages of glucose tolerance

R Dimova et al.
Used Parameters : Body composition

Publication Year : 2016

Country : Bulgaria

Journal : Journal of Diabetes and Its Complications

Aim The present study evaluates autonomic and somatic nerve function in different stages of glucose tolerance and its correlation with different cardio-metabolic parameters. Material and methods Four hundred seventy-eight subjects, mean age 49.3±13.7 years and mean BMI 31.0±6.2 kg/m2, divided according to glucose tolerance: 130 with normal glucose tolerance (NGT), 227 with prediabetes (125 with impaired fasting glucose (IFG) and 102 with isolated impaired glucose tolerance (iIGT)), and 121 with newly-diagnosed T2D (NDT2D) …
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