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Effects of sodium phosphate loading on aerobic power and capacity in off road cyclists

Exercise Physiology
Milosz Czuba et al.
Used Parameters : TBW, FFM, PBF

Publication Year : 2009

Country : Poland

Journal : Journal of Sports Science and Medicine

The main aim of this paper was to evaluate the effects of short-term (6 days) phosphate loading, as well as prolonged (21 days) intake of sodium phosphate on aerobic capacity in off-road cyclists. Nineteen well-trained cyclists were randomly divided into a supplemental (S) and control group (C). Group S was supplemented for 6 days with tri-sodium phosphate, in a dose of 50 mg· kg-1 of FFM/d, while a placebo was provided for the C group. Additionally, group S was further subjected to a 3-week supplementation of 25 mg· kg-1 …
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