InBody Scholar

InBody continues to work closely with academic researchers on a global scale to develop more in-depth clinical applications of body composition. With our long history in the industry, we provide more than 7,000 research publications. Research title with ★ indicates InBody recommended paper.

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Influence of visceral obesity and liver fat on vascular structure and function in obese subjects

Wolfgang Sturm et al.
Used Parameters : BFM

Publication Year : 2009

Country : Austria

Journal : Obesity

Endothelial dysfunction and increased intima–media thickness (IMT) have been found in obese patients. Both regional fat distribution and liver steatosis may influence these markers of subclinical atherosclerosis. We sought to determine the interrelationships of endothelial function, carotid IMT, visceral and subcutaneous adipose tissue accumulation, and liver steatosis in severely obese subjects. In 64 severely obese patients (BMI 42.3±4.3 kg/m²), we determined (i) endothelial function as flow‐mediated dilation (FMD) of the brachial artery,(ii) …
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