InBody Scholar

InBody continues to work closely with academic researchers on a global scale to develop more in-depth clinical applications of body composition. With our long history in the industry, we provide more than 7,000 research publications. Research title with ★ indicates InBody recommended paper.

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Accuracy of predictive equations for resting energy expenditure (REE) in non-obese and obese Korean children and adolescents

Body Composition Assessment
Myung-Hee Kim
Used Parameters : Height, BW, BFM

Publication Year : 2012

Country : Korea

Journal : Nutrition Research and Practice

Weight-controlling can be supported by a proper prescription of energy intake. The individual energy requirement is usually determined through resting energy expenditure (REE) and physical activity. Because REE contributes to 60-70% of daily energy expenditure, the assessment of REE is very important. REE is often predicted using various equations, which are usually based on the body weight, height, age, gender, and so on. The aim of this study is to validate the published predictive equations for resting energy …
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