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A pilot clinical trial on l-carnitine supplementation in combination with motivation training: effects on weight management in

Satoshi Odo et al.
Used Parameters : SLM, BFM

Publication Year : 2013

Country : Japan

Journal : Food and Nutrition Sciences

A 4-week low dosage (500 mg/day) L-carnitine supplementation in combination with motivation training was carried out in 24 overweight (BMI 25.8-26.6 kg/m2) Japanese males in the course of a double-blind randomized placebo-controlled study. L-carnitine motivated group showed significant body weight loss and a decrement of serum triglyceride level vs. the non-motivated placebo group. Serum adiponectin levels increased in both L-carnitine supplemented groups. The beneficial effects of L-carnitine were amplified by motivation …
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