InBody Scholar

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Assessment of urinary methymalonic acid levels in older adults on proton pump inhibitors

Body Composition Assessment
Judith M. Lukaszuk et al.
Used Parameters : .

Publication Year : 2015

Country : USA

Journal : EC Nutrition

Background: Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) affect gastric acid secretion. The use of PPIs in the elderly population (> 70 years old) may increase the risk of vitamin B 12 deficiency because gastric acid is needed for vitamin B 12 digestion and absorption. However, it's unclear whether adults ages 50–70 years old that use PPIs chronically are at risk of vitamin B 12 deficiency. Objective: To determine whether chronic use of PPIs results in increased urinary methylmalonic acid (uMMA) levels in adults ages 50–70 years old, indicating vitamin …
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