InBody Scholar

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Association between locomotive syndrome and blood parameters in Japanese middle-aged and elderly individuals: a cross-sectional

Yoshihara et al.
Used Parameters : BW, SMM, BFM, PBF

Publication Year : 2019

Country : Japan

Journal : BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders

Locomotive syndrome (LS) is associated with weakness and loss of function in the musculoskeletal organs. We aimed to determine the association between LS components and blood parameters in middle-aged and elderly individuals. We included 223 middle-aged and elderly individuals in this study (104 men and 119 women; age: 40–85 years). All participants were asked to fast for at least 3 h before the venous blood samples were obtained and the hemoglobin, total protein, glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c), growth hormone …
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