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Factors influencing basal metabolism of czechs of working age from South Moravia

Body Composition Assessment
Olejníčková et al.
Used Parameters : BMI, PBF, TBW

Publication Year : 2019

Country : Czech Republic

Journal : Cent Eur J Public Health

Objective: Basal metabolic rate (BMR) is the main part of the total body energy expenditure. The value of BMR is individual and depends on a lot of factors. The goal of the research was to discover the influence of anthropometric parameters, age and gender, on changes of the BMR values. Methods: A total of 177 individuals of Czech Caucasian origin from South Moravia (BMI 27.3±7.88 kg/m 2) aged 18-55 (117 women, 60 men) were included in the study. Selected anthropometric characteristics were measured using a stadiometer (SECA …
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