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Intake of okara soup for 2 weeks for breakfast improved defecation habits in young Japanese women with self‐reported constipati

Body Composition Assessment
Maeta et al.
Used Parameters : BFM, MM, PBF

Publication Year : 2020

Country : Japan

Journal : Journal of Food Science

Okara is a byproduct of soymilk manufacturing and a rich source of protein and dietary fiber. We investigated whether okara intake improves the habit of defecation in young Japanese women (n= 52) with self‐reported constipation. Subjects were categorized into placebo and test groups, who ingested soymilk (0.1 g fiber/meal) and okara (4.1 g fiber/meal) soups, respectively, every day for breakfast, for 2 weeks. Subjects' body composition, bowel movement frequency per week, and constipation assessment scale (CAS) and brief‐type …
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