What Does Your InBody Result Sheet Mean?

InBody Result Sheet shows a variety of parameters related to our health.
Everything you need to know is to interpret InBody Results and start offering your clients the insights they need to improve their health.
With an explanation of Result Sheet and Parameter keynotes, you’ll learn what the terms on the Result Sheet mean, why they’re valuable, and the strategies you can use to implement this invaluable data into your research and patient’s health management.

Result Sheet Keynote

Keynote 1 : Body Composition Result
Keynote 2 : Body Water Result Sheet​
Keynote 3 : Children Result Sheet​
Keynote 4 : Research Result Sheet​
Keynote 5 : Comparison Result Sheet​
Keynote 6 : Evaluation Result Sheet


Parameter Keynote

Keynote 1: ECW Ratio
Keynote 2: Phase Angle
Keynote 3: Skeletal Muscle
Keynote 4: Visceral Fat


Uses of BWA

Keynote 1 : Enhance Patient Care
Keynote 2 : Risks of ECW
Keynote 3 :  Positive Role of ICW
Keynote 4 : Science-based Uses
Keynote 5 : Rehabilitation
Keynote 6: Oncology & Body Water
Keynote 7: Advanced Analysis

Download Uses of BWA

Body Composition Result Sheet

It provides a better idea of your overall health. Body composition analysis can accurately show changes in fat mass, muscle mass, body fat percentage, and body water balance.

Body Composition Analysis Body composition is a method of describing what the body is made of. BWA offers quantitative values for four core body components: Body water, Protein, Minerals, and Fat. These measured values are evaluated by the reciprocal ratio along with the normal ranges. ​
Muscle-Fat Analysis The balance between Skeletal Muscle Mass and Body Fat mass is a key health indicator. Muscle-Fat Analysis shows this balance by comparing the length of the bars for Weight, Skeletal Muscle Mass, and Body Fat Mass.
Obesity Analysis Accurate obesity analysis cannot be performed using BMI, but the ratio of body fat compared to the weight, which is called the Percent Body Fat, must be assessed. ​
Segmental Lean Analysis analyzes the lean mass in each body segment helps identify imbalances and insufficiently developed muscle mass, which can be used to develop targeted exercise programs. The lean mass of the arms, trunk (torso), and legs are represented by two bars. Upper bar represents muscle in (kg), and bottom bar shows the percentage.
ECW Ratio Analysis The extracellular water ratio shows the body water balance. The ratio between intra and extracellular water remains constant at 3:2 ratio in healthy case, and edema occurs when this balance is broken down. In addition, segmental extracellular water can be used as a diagnostic indicator for edema, circulation or nutritional problems​
Body Composition History With dot graph, you can monitor changes in Weight, Skeletal Muscle Mass (SMM), Percent Body Fat (PBF) and Extracellular Water Ratio (ECW Ratio). ​
InBody Score It is unique index created by InBody to make it easier to understand the current body composition status. The standard range is between 70~90 points, and based on the weight control, the point +,- from 80 points.​
Visceral Fat Area Visceral fat is the fat surrounding your organs. InBody recommends people maintain a Vsiceral Fat Level under 10 or Visceral Fat Area under 100㎠. Higher amounts of visceral fat are associated with the development of diseases like diabetes, stroke and dementia.
Weight Control shows the recommended weight, fat and muscle mass for a healthy body. The ‘+’ means to gain and the ‘-‘ means to lose. Use the weight control to set your own goal.​
Research Parameters provides additional parameters located on the right side of the sheet. The BWA can print several different combinations of these parameters depending on the needs of the user.​
Whole Body Phase Angle is related to the health status of the cell membrane. Strengthening of the cellular membrane and structural function will increase the Phase Angle, while damage or a decrease in function will result in a decrease in the Phase Angle.​
Segmental Body Phase Angle indicates the Phase Angle of each part of the body, representing the level of structural integrity and function of the cell membrane.​
Impedance is the resistance that occurs when weak alternating current is applied to the human body​. If the measurement is done properly, the lower the frequency, the higher the point representing the impedance.

Body Water Result Sheet

Provides fluid specific results such as total body water, intra and extracellular water ratio, and water control.
It enables to monitor fluid balance of the patients.

Body Water Composition 50-70% of our body is composed of water. Body water is distributed in every cell and fluid in our body. Most of them are present in the cells and the rest are in the form of blood and interstitial fluid. Water inside the cell membrane is called intracellular water, and the water outside the cell membrane is called extracellular water. ​
ECW Ratio Analysis The extracellular water ratio shows the balance of body water. The ratio between intra and extracellular water remains constant at 3:2 ratio in healthy case, and edema may occur when this balance is broken down. In addition, Segmental Extracellular Water can be used as a diagnostic indicator for edema, circulation or nutritional problems​
Segmental Body Water Analysis You can assess body water balance by analyzing the Total Body Water of each segment in the Segmental Body Water Analysis. The amount of body water in the arms, trunk, and legs are shown in the graph. ​Muscles holds body water, so changes in muscle mass result in changes in body water. ​
Segmental ECW Ratio Analysis Segmental ECW Ratio is displayed in a graph so you can easily determine if the ICW and ECW are balanced.​ By analyzing the ECW Ratio, you can assess if there is a problem with body water circulation. This can be helpful for monitoring the recovery of post-surgery or hemodialysis patients.​
Body Water Composition History​ provides the changes in Weight, Skeletal Muscle Mass, Intracellular Water, Extracellular Water, and Extracellular Water Ratio. Take the BWA test periodically to monitor your progress.​
Body Composition Analysis​ Body composition is a method of describing what the body is made of. BWA offers quantitative values for four core body components: Body water, Protein, Minerals, and Fat. These measured values are evaluated by the reciprocal ratio along with the normal ranges.
Muscle-Fat Analysis​ is to show the balance between Weight, Skeletal Muscle Mass and Body Fat Mass. In the parenthesis, you may see the normal ranges for each.
Obesity Analysis​ displays both BMI and Percent Body Fat. PBF is more accurate indicator of your health because it compares your fat levels to your weight. BMI is included in the InBody result because it is still commonly used in scientific research.
Whole Body Phase Angle​ Phase Angle is related to the health status of the cell membrane. Strengthening of the cellular membrane and structural function will increase the Phase Angle, while damage or a decrease in function will result in a decrease in the Phase Angle.​
Segmental Body Phase Angle Segmental Phase Angle indicates the Phase Angle of each part of the body, representing the level of structural integrity and function of the cell membrane.​
Impedance Impedance is the resistance that occurs when weak alternating current is applied to the human body. ​If the measurement is done properly, the lower the frequency, the higher the point representing the impedance.
Research Parameters​ It provides additional parameters located on the right side of the sheet. The BWA can print several different combinations of these parameters depending on the needs of the user.​

Children Result Sheet

Specially designed results sheet with Growth Graph for Children

Body Composition Analysis Body composition is a methor of describing what the body is made of. BWA offers quantitative values for four core body components: Body water, Protein, Minerals, and Fat. These measured values are evaluated by the reciprotal ratio along with the normal ranges.
Muscle-Fat Analysis The balance between Skeletal Muscle Mass and Body Fat mass is a key health indicator. Muscle-Fat Analysis shows this balance by comparing the length of the bars for Weight, Skeletal Muscle Mass, and Body Fat Mass. The balance between Weight, Skeletal Muscle Mass, and Body Fat Mass can be analyzed by comparing the length of each bar.​
Obesity Analysis Accurate obesity analysis cannot be performed using BMI, but the ratio of body fat compared to the weight, which is called the Percent Body Fat, must be assessed.
Growth Graph The Growth Graph indicates the height, and BMI of the subject among 100 people of the same age. You can determine if your growth and development are within the appropriate range.
Body Composition History​ With dot graph, you can monitor changes in Height, Weight, Skeletal Muscle Mass, and Percent Body Fat.
Growth Score​ The Growth Score is a unique index for children created by InBody to help make it easier to understand the current body composition status and growth status.
Nutrition Evaluation This is performed based on body composition analysis. If it is less than Normal, it is evaluated as lacking.
Obesity Evaluation This is an obesity index to evaluate the Percent Body Fat.
Body Balance Evaluation​ It helps you assess whether the muscle mass in each body part is balanced.
Segmental Lean Analysis Analyzing the lean mass in each body segment helps identify imbalances and insufficiently developed muscle mass, which can be used to develop targeted exercise programs.
Research Parameters It provides additional parameters located on the right side of the sheet. The BWA can print several different combinations of these parameters depending on the needs of the user.
Whole Body Phase Angle Phase Angle is related to the health status of the cell membrane. Strengthening of the cellular membrane and structural function will increase the Phase Angle, while damage or a decrease in function will result in a decrease in the Phase Angle.
Segmental Body Phase Angle Segmental Body Phase Angle indicates the Phase Angle of each part of the body, representing the level of structural integrity and function of the cell membrane.
Impedance Impedance is the resistance that occurs when weak alternating current is applied to the human body

Research Result Sheet

The Research Result Sheet provides the summary of frequently used parameters by segment, which can be used for a comprehensive analysis.

Body Composition Summary The summary of body composition that shows all the results for each segment in a summarized table form such as segmental result for FFM, FM ICW, ECW, TBW and ECW Ratio.​
Body Composition Analysis​ This graph displays the whole body / segmental body composition in a bar type graph, so you can see the result more easily, and see if it is in the normal range or not. ​
Research Parameters provides additional parameters located on the right side of the sheet. The BWA can print several different combinations of these parameters depending on the needs of the user.​
Whole Body Phase Angle is related to the health status of the cell membrane. Strengthening of the cellular membrane and structural function will increase the Phase Angle, while damage or a decrease in function will result in a decrease in the Phase Angle.​
Segmental Body Phase Angle​ indicates the Phase Angle of each part of the body, representing the level of structural integrity and function of the cell membrane.​
Impedance​ is the resistance that occurs when weak alternating current is applied to the human body​

Comparison Result Sheet

The Comparison Result Sheet provides Cole-Cole plot graph of major parameters to compare the before and after test result.

Comparison _ Whole Body today’s result and the most recent result will be displayed so you can compare the body composition data. ​In Whole Body, you can compare the data in weight, SMM, Body Fat Mass, ECW Ratio, and Phase Angle.​
Comparison _ Segmental Body​ today’s result and the most recent result will be displayed so you can compare the body composition data. ​ ​ In segmental, you can compare the data in Lean Mass, ECW Ratio, and Phase Angle​.
Cole Cole Plot The X-axis represents the resistance (Ω), and the Y-axis represents the reactance (Ω). The resistance that occurs when weak alternating current passes through the body water is called resistance, while reactance is when this current passes through the cell membrane. ​ When there is more water in the body, the values for x-axis will move to the left, and when the values for Y-axis moves upwards, the cell membranes are stronger. ​ It is provided in Whole body and segmental.​

Evaluation Result Sheet

Based on 13 million sets of InBody Big Data, it provides averages and standard deviation graphs for each result parameters according to age. It allows for comparative evaluation between defferent or same age groups for a more objective body composition analysis.

Whole Body Phase Angle It provides Age-specific Whole Body Phase Angle graph to show average and standard deviation. Better the cellular integrity level, higher PhA you may have.
Muscle-Nutrition Evaluation It provides Age-specific Skeletal Muscle Index (kg/m2) graph to show average and standard deviation. ​ ​ The trend of decreasing SMI is seen from ages 20~80. This is due to nutritional deficiency, hormonal changes, and increasing fat mass resulting in a decrease in leg muscle mass. ​
Body Water Evaluation ​ It provides Whole Body ECW Ratio (ECW/TBW) graph to show average and standard deviation.​ ​ InBody considers value under 0.390 as “Normal”, value between 0.390 and 0.400 as “Slightly Over, and more than 0.400 as “Over​
Body Cell Mass provides Age-specific Body Cell Mass graph to show average and standard deviation. Body Cell Mass is the sum of Intracellular Water and Protein, and it refers to the total amount of the cells in muscular tissue and it can be used as a parameter for nutritional evaluation.

*InBody Big Data is used for the evaluation by age which is shown as T-score and Z-score.

It indicates the relative position of subject, and does not affect the subjects’ body composition analysis result.

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